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Posts tagged “recording

What is the Best Recording Software?

So today’s post is more of a request than an informative one… Well, if you’ve never used Camtasia before then this might actually be informative for you 🙂

Last night for the 10th and last time, Camtasia ruined some of our recordings. And by ruined I mean completely un-salvagable. It was so bad and the audio was so messed up that partway through playback (it auto-starts the playback – which can be freaky) we heard this noise that put us into a panic – we thought a pipe had burst somewhere in the house. Thankfully it turned out just to be massive audio feedback from Camtasia coming through the headphones. Better than a pipe blowing water through the walls like an angry elephant but it also meant the recording(s) we had just done were no good. Sure enough the last 30% of the audio and video of the recording were completely ruined.

This is now at least the 10th time this has happened – there are new mics, new cables, my computer is even configured differently. Same deal. It’s definitely the software – sorry, Camtasia, NO MORE SOUP FOR U.

What I’m wondering is what do you guys use for recording? Fraps? Camera Studio? something else?

Let us know in the comments! The first person to suggest what we end up going with will get a little limelight in our next Board Meeting video 🙂